Send Unlimited SMS to Anyone, Anywhere
At Anytime!

It's cheap, fast & easy.

Test SMS My Account

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Forget Stress!
Send SMS to your people using mySMS.


After a deep research, we realized to be one of the cheapest SMS provider in the world.


Aren't you tired with delayed SMS delivery from other platforms? Test & testify mySMS today.


Our platform is very user-friendly from top-up to sending messages. Do it in just a second.


Sign up

Want to get started ? Create your account in less than just 5 seconds by filling in the form. Click here


Top up

Add SMS into your account by using Mobile Money, Visa Card or Master Card & you're ready to go.



Now, you can send SMS to any phone number using any sender ID or title made up by 11 chars.

Business Marketing

The success of your business depends on the number of people who cares about it.

Engage people in your business by sending customized notifications SMS about new products, promotions and so on.

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SMS for Life

Not everyone who daily use social media and not everyone on social media has permanent data bundles for Internet.

Using mySMS, you are sure a 100% that your people have received your message as it doesn't depend on the phone type or whether a person is online or not.

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